It's been months since I arrived in my new home and I love seeing mummy work on her dolls houses. They are all hers! She has this lovely street of shops which I really like.
A few days ago I was sitting next to her, while she was busy with a miniature and I asked her.
"Mum, can you make me a small dolls house?"
She looked up at me in surprise and said " Sure! What do you fancy?"
"I like all your dolls house shops"
She smiled and said " I'll see what I can do!"
Today I found this lovely dolls house shop with furniture and all waiting for me. It's even called "Posy's Dollshouse Shop"
"Is this for me?"
"Yes Posy, it's all yours!"
I'm so happy. "Thank you mummy! Time for a bear hug!"
Posy xxx
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